Creating a baseball statistics site

I'm a huge baseball nerd. I've invested many, many hours across the Out of the Park Baseball series, going back to when I was 17. I've got a subscription to MLB.TV, and I spend waaaay too much time on Baseball Reference.

Now, Baseball Reference is an absolutely incredible site. I've got such an appreciation for the work that they do, especially now that I have a glimpse into the underlying data. That said, I'd like to try and make my own.

I'll add links to project updates in this post as the project progresses.


I want to create a one-stop shop for all things baseball statistics. Not just the historical stats that Baseball Reference provides, but the wealth of advanced metrics provided by Baseball Savant.

I also want to replicate the advanced query tools provided by Baseball Reference's Play Index tool.

The Tech

I'm using Angular for the front end, at least for now. I've got some concerns regarding bundle size and speed, but I think that the data-heavy nature of the project warrants its robustness.

At the back end, I'm using a Postgres database, with a Postgraphile GraphQL API in front.

In the future, I might put out a mobile app as well. If I do, I'll almost certainly roll with NativeScript. I've got the code in an nx monorepo, which'll let me reuse a lot of the code I've already written for the web side when developing for mobile.